Why I Believe in Kid-Led Family Sessions | Beaudoin Parent & Me

I’m so excited to share this parent and me session at the Gallivan Plaza with you today! I was so excited to work with Sydney when she responded to my model call! We’ve known each other for years after working two different jobs together a couple of years apart. It’s crazy to think how far we’ve both come since working at McDonald’s in high school! Carson is a wild child 24/7 from what Sydney has told me, and she 100% was during our session!

Beaudoin Parent & Me Session at the Gallivan Plaza

I firmly believe in having child-led sessions anytime a kid is involved, and Carson is the perfect example of why! My goal as your photographer is to capture your kids as they are in this stage of life, and if that means chasing them around or bribing them with gummy bears every other photo we’ll make it happen! Carson was VERY excited to be taking pictures at first, but that didn’t last long at all. She very quickly wanted to explore the plaza around us and didn’t want to sit still for long like most 3-year-olds. I began following her lead at this point to see what she was interested in. After starting on the bridge, we made our way to a tree-lined path to get a bit of a change of scenery.

We got a quick series of photos of mom and Carson walking before I could tell Carson was starting to get bored. Mom to the rescue when she bribed Carson with a gummy after the photo! I highly recommend bringing something you can bribe them with if they’re on the younger side, or if they’re old enough and this works for them, bribe them with a treat after the session! I have a whole blog post dedicated to prepping your kids for your next family session coming next week! Subscribe to my email list HERE to make sure you don’t miss the post!

As a result of Sydney bringing the gummies, I was able to grab this absolutely adorable photo of Carson eating a gummy capturing her personality PERFECTLY!

Sometimes going with the flow is truly the best thing to do during your family session. Carson was a bit restless after sitting with her mom for some photos and started running around the little grassy area we were sitting in. I let her do her thing and sat back and captured the moment. Sydney called Carson over to give her a big hug and this was the result (arguable my favorite photos from the whole session!):

To Sydney, thank you so much for allowing me to capture these precious memories for you! I’m so glad we’ve stayed in touch over the years!! I hope you adore your photos as much as I do. Congratulations again on your engagement!! I’m overjoyed for you!

Enjoy this little peek into this sweet parent and me session!

Don’t forget to subscribe to my email list HERE to get my guide on preparing kids for your session!